Hand Carved Entryways + Panels by Maine Woodcarver John Bryan
An entryway should set the tone and standard for what's inside. I'm often asked if I have a favorite project I've done. The GWB entryway shown in the first ten images of this scroll would be it if I had to choose. It took a year to carve them.

GWB East
The Eagle is the Spiritkeeper of the East and watches over the first three moons of each year. Each month's moon is represented here by their totem animals (deer, beaver and hawk) and companion plants. (Ginseng, tobacco and comfrey)
35" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB West
The Grizzly bear is the Spiritkeeper of the West and watches over three fall moons. Each moon is represented here by it's totem animals (raven, snake and elk) and companion plants (mullein, thistle and red cedar)
35" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB South
The Coyote is the Spiritkeeper of the south and watches over the three moons of summer. Each moon is represented by it's totem animal (sturgeon, flicker, brown bear) and companion plants (sage clover comfrey, raspberries)
35" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB North
The buffalo is the Spiritkeeper of the North and watches over three winter moons. Each moon is represented here by their totem animals (otter, cougar and hawk) and companion plants (plantain, quaking aspen, violets)
35" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Butterfly
Native peoples believed a person was born into one of four clans. This is the Butterfly clan panel with butterfly weed and quaking aspen.
24" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Frog Clan
Trophy room door panel. One of a set of ten featuring a Medicine Wheel Frog clan shield.
24" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Thunderbird Clan
Trophy room door panel. One of set of ten featuring a Medicine Wheel Thunderbird clan shield.
24" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Turtle Clan
Trophy room door panel. One of a set of ten featuring a Medicine Wheel Turtle clan shield.
24" x 21" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Bear Transom
Transom panel spans a double door entryway into a hunt room. One of a commissioned ten panel set featuring the Wheel of Life.
15 1/2" x 60" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

GWB Elk transom
Transom panel spanning a double door entryway into a gentleman's hunt room. One of a commissioned ten panel set featuring the Wheel of Life.
15 1/2" x 60" x 1 1/8" Black walnut. 2001

Happy client!
Grizzly Door panel
Library door panel.
28" x 20" x 1 1/8"
Cherty. 2011

Grizzly Door panel
Library door panel.
28" x 20" x 1 1/8"
Cherry. 2011

Raven Transom
Library door panel.
12" x 20" x 1 1/8"
Cherry. 2011

Owl Transom
Transom library door panel.
12" x 20" x 1 1/8"
Cherry. 2011

Sockeye Salmon
Pair of lower library door panels.
28" x 20" x 1 1/8" each.
Cherry. 2011

Sockeye Salmon detail

Library Entryway
Cherry. 2011